Friday, April 13, 2007

Pets, Mans Best Friend

by: Pascal E. Erdmann

Pets. They clearly represent everything that we look for in a partner.

Affection, constant attention, and a pair of ears that listen and never quite talk back. These characteristics are just a few that allow us to bond with our furry friends. While they may never be our lifetime partner or husband material, they are our best friends. Without them, chances are we would be lost and unable to tell our secrets to the world.

When our pets become ill, the last thing we want to do is watch them suffer. We know that they are struggling to tell us what’s wrong, yet it is often difficult to figure out what the problem is. With exuberant medical fees and medicines that cost more than your car payments alone, dealing with their issue can also be frightening. Fortunately, there are plenty of opportunities to take care of your pet, without taking out a loan. Herbal remedies are wonderful resources for pets who struggle with joint pain, stomach aches, or allergies. Below are just a few remedies that may alleviate some of the ailments.Surprisingly, a simple herb such as rosemary can easily help with pain relief. Since it is an anti-inflammatory, it will help with joint pains and muscle tension. If you do give this to your pet, it will allow them to live more comfortably. As a result, you will not have to pay thousands of dollars for a medical pill that may not even work. Other anti-inflammatory herbs include Aloe Vera, which is also a popular remedy when humans find themselves dealing with pain. An additional herb that is used quite frequently on pets is Dandelion. This flower actually helps with the immune system, as it treats liver or kidney deficiencies. If you use the leaves, it actually can work as a diuretic. While these are just a few herbal remedies that will help your best friend, Noni supplements tend to work the best. These nutritional products, which began in the Pacific Islands, are making large splashes in the medical industry. After it was heard that Noni Juice could help with the spreading of cancer, people flocked towards this substance. Once it was found that it can alleviate joint pain, boost immune systems, and create energy, pet owners were trying this on their furry friends. Luckily, it works just as well. You no longer have to worry that your vet will not be able to fix the problem. Noni products may actually reduce the pain, and make your pet a lot happier.

Regardless of where we live in the world, pets are our lives. For some, they are a means of comfort. It is reassuring to know that they are always there when we need them the most. For others, they simply are a best friend that could never be replaced. After all, their ears are always on “turn on” mode, and they are more than happy to keep your darkest secrets. For these rasons, we absolutely want to do what’s best for our pets. If this means trying out alternative medicines such as Noni and herbs, then so be it. No matter what effects it has, at least we know that we gave it our all.


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